The national programme on applied welfare research welcomes proposals within eight priority areas. The programme aims to strengthen long-term knowledge expansion and development within the social services, and to strengthen collaboration between research and practice. In total, around SEK 40 million is reserved for the period 2022-2025.

Grant type

One grant type is available within this call – project grants. The grants are approved for a minimum of two years and a maximum of four years.

Focus of the research

This call welcomes proposals for client and practice-oriented research within the social services sector. The focus of the call is based on eight prioritised areas, presented in the strategic agenda of the programme:

  1. The effects of interventions
  2. Methods for needs assessment for individuals
  3. Early/preventive measures of the social services
  4. Implementation and change management
  5. Coherent service provision initiatives
  6. User participation
  7. Digitalisation and welfare technology
  8. Non-profit and entrepreneurial providers of social services

The call welcomes applications from various research areas, and one particular aim is to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration as well as collaboration between research and practice. Forte therefore encourage researchers interested in applying for grants within the call to establish relevant collaborations in due time.

The focus of the call is described in more detail in the document “Information about the call“.

The administering organisation must have an account

To be able to apply for a grant, a Swedish university or another research funding body must administrate the funding and have an organisational account in Prisma. The administering organisation should apply for this in due time via Prisma.

Forte’s criteria for administering organisations »

Time plan

The call closes: 14 December 2021, at 14:00
Forte’s board decides on funding: March 2022
Project start: April 2022