On 1 June 2015, Forte signed an agreement with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for research collaboration in the field of ageing and health. In September 2016, Forte and ICMR announced a joint call for proposals in this field, which closed in January 2017. In February 2022 a new call within the collaboration opened: Health and welfare of ageing populations in Sweden and India 2022.

Below you find the research that have been funded within the collaboration. The links below lead to the Swecris database. The database enables you to search, compare and produce statistics for Swedish research projects.

The Health and Welfare of Ageing Population in Sweden and India 2022

The cognitive consequences of social frailty: a mixed methods study of precarity and resilience among aging populations in India and Sweden

m-Health based intervention by community workers to support family caregivers to persons with dementia living at home

Post Covid-19 conditions as a threat to healthy ageing: a randomized controlled trial of yoga to improve quality of life

Healthy ageing for Indigenous communities in India and Sweden with focus on nutricous and culturally adequate food provision

Development and feasibility of a digital intervention for common mental health problems among older adults

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22 million SEK for collaboration research in the field of ageing and health

About the call “Health and welfare of ageing populations in Sweden and India 2022”

Granted applications within the call “The Health and Welfare of Ageing Population in Sweden and India 2022”


Research on Ageing and Health 2017

Otium – healthy ageing in a globalized world

Yoga to improve wellbeing and promote healthy ageing among older adults: a randomized controlled trial

Development of value-integrating and sustainable models of homebased care

Managing time with dementia – Effects of time assistive products on time processing ability, daily time management and well-being in people with dementia

Multi-cultural aspects of active aging: A cooperative study between Sweden and Indien

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Granted applications within the call “Research on Ageing and Health 2017”