The area Labour market covers how the labour market functions and is regulated. This includes labour market relationships, labour law and regulation, the social partners of the labour market as well as studies of EU law and how the Swedish model is affected by changes in society.

The area also includes research about matching between education and work, entry and exit from the labour market and obstacles for entry into the labour market. Also issues regarding unemployment, abilities to work as well as methods to reduce social exclusion are evaluated in this panel. Studies of segregation in the labour market, professionalization, wage formation, wage differences, pensions and how demands for qualifications change are also evaluated by the panel.

Members of the review panel 2025

Will be published on this page in January 2025.

Members of the review panel 2024

  • Chairperson

  • Jenny Julén Votinius

    Lund University, Sweden

  • Members

  • Edvard Johansson

    Åbo Akademi University, Finland

    Scientific reviewer

  • Liza Reisel

    Institute for Social Research, Norway

    Scientific reviewer

  • Maritta Soininen

    Stockholm University, Sweden

    Scientific reviewer

  • Carin Håkansta

    Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

    Scientific reviewer

  • Anna Ilsøe

    Employment Relations Research Centre, Denmark

    Scientific reviewer

  • Jørgen Modalsli

    Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

    Scientific reviewer

  • Anna Sjögren

    Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU), Sweden

    Scientific reviewer

  • Shoresh Ibrahim

    The City of Stockholm, Sweden

    Community representative

  • Niklas Blomqvist

    The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO), Sweden

    Community representative