Funded research within the National Programme on Working Life Research 2019
Below you find the research that have been funded within the National Programme on Working Life Research in 2019. All links below lead to the Swecris database. The database enables you to search, compare and produce statistics for Swedish research projects.
Challenges in working life 2019
A total of SEK 200 million has been allocated for the call to the period 2019–2024.
Funded resarch
Social integration of highly skilled refugees in the workplace
Innovative inclusion in the civil society working life
Communication, a challenge for the older employee: Need for a communication supporting workplace
Integration is a process! Labour market careers of immigrants through sequential steps
Labor market inclusion in theory and practice
ALL-INCLUSIVE? Cohesion and exclusion in work-life change
The interdisciplinary research network for working life and ageing (IDEAR)
After the crisis. Migration, education and work-life in interdisciplinary light
After the crisis. Migration, education and work-life in interdisciplinary light
The times they are a-changin´ – managing change in healthcare to retain and attract competence
The struggle to control public sector values: Professionalism and Managerialism on a crash course?
Teachers´ digital work – (in)balance between demands and support?
Flexible work – Opportunity and Challenge (FLOC)
Opportunities and challenges for the Nordic models in the digital era
Negative social exposure at work – organizational risk factors, consequences and how to mitigate
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Granted application within the call “Challenges in working life 2019”