Below you find the research that have been funded within the National Programme on Working Life Research in 2019. All links below lead to the Swecris database. The database enables you to search, compare and produce statistics for Swedish research projects.

Challenges in working life 2019

A total of SEK 200 million has been allocated for the call to the period 2019–2024.

Funded resarch

”There was an uneasy mood”. Daily rituals, clashes and contradictions in multinational Swedish office life

Social integration of highly skilled refugees in the workplace

How are migrants made employable? Investigating organisations´ discursive constructions of employability of migrants

Labour market and health outcomes in adults with a family member who has a chronic illness: the role of family characteristics and social services

Innovative inclusion in the civil society working life

The occurrence of mental disorders across occupations and work environments in Swedish males and females: A longitudinal perspective

Communication, a challenge for the older employee: Need for a communication supporting workplace

Sustainable Work in an Ageing Population (SWAP): Multinational analyses of the social, occupational and health-related determinants of working life expectancy

Integration is a process! Labour market careers of immigrants through sequential steps

SWEPPE – a Sustanible WorkEr. An innovative digital support for Persons with chronic Pain and their Employers

Sustainable working life: early determinants and later predictors – a longitudinal twin study (SustWork)

VITALIS – Long-term follow-up of an intervention project for return to work and improved health among people on long-term sick leave

Exclusion and Inequality in Late Working Life: Evidence for Policy Innovation Towards Inclusive Extended Work and Sustainable Working Conditions in Sweden and Europe – EIWO

Labor market inclusion in theory and practice

ALL-INCLUSIVE? Cohesion and exclusion in work-life change

The interdisciplinary research network for working life and ageing (IDEAR)

After the crisis. Migration, education and work-life in interdisciplinary light

After the crisis. Migration, education and work-life in interdisciplinary light

The times they are a-changin´ – managing change in healthcare to retain and attract competence

The struggle to control public sector values: Professionalism and Managerialism on a crash course?

Teachers´ digital work – (in)balance between demands and support?

Bureaucraticisation of public organisations? A comparative study of organisational professionals in Sweden and New Zealand

Effects of non-standard work arrangements on health, work and families – solutions for the future in Sweden

Employment contracts, job insecurity, unionization, working conditions, work-related attitudes and health among women and men in a flexible labor market

Flexible work – Opportunity and Challenge (FLOC)

Opportunities and challenges for the Nordic models in the digital era

ProWorkNet – an international network for occupational health research with focus on organization and social relations and their impact on work and health

Negative social exposure at work – organizational risk factors, consequences and how to mitigate

Workplace violence in home-based social services: approaches, responses and reporting of client-initiated threats and violence in four different fields of social work

Exposure to work-related adverse social behaviors– extended evidence regarding its psychosocial work- and organizational determinants and risk for morbidity and mortality

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Granted application within the call “Challenges in working life 2019”