These guiding questions are based on Forte’s general requirements and assessment criteria. The purpose of the questions is to provide support for applicants in preparing their applications and to assist Forte’s reviewers in the assessment process.

General requirements

General assessment criteria

Scientific quality

  • Is the need for the research well justified and grounded in existing research?
  • Are the research questions well formulated and well substantiated?
  • Are central theoretical perspectives and concepts well described and well justified?
  • Are the research methods clearly described and are they best suited to answer the research questions posed?
  • Have potential problems with the research methods (such as systematic errors) been taken into account as well as measures for dealing with these?
  • Does the research have the potential to generate important findings and significantly advance existing knowledge in the field of research? Are theories, data, methods, etc. used in a novel way to answer the research questions?
  • Would the quality of the research benefit from a multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary approach, and if so, is such an approach used effectively?

Societal relevance and utilisation

  • Are the research questions, outcome measures and central perspectives relevant to actors affected by the research (such as users, patients, practitioners, professions, policymakers)? Is this relevance well described and justified?
  • Is there a well-described plan for how the research will be of use in the wider community and for the actors affected by the research?
  • Will actors affected by the research be involved in conducting it? Is there a well-described plan for how and in which parts of the research process collaboration will take place? Does the project budget include costs for this collaboration?
  • Is there a well-described plan for how the research will be communicated, both within academia as well as to the wider community and relevant stakeholders?


  • Is the work plan realistic and suitable for conducting the research and reaching the set goals?
  • Is it clear from the application that the project leader has the competence needed to conduct the research and reach set goals?
  • Are the budget and the planned activity levels realistic and suitable for conducting the research and reaching set goals?
  • Have potential problems or risks associated with conducting the research been described well, and is there any plan for dealing with them?

Additional criteria for starting grants

  • How does the planned project and the chosen host institution contribute to the implementation of the application, the individual’s establishment and career development?