Below you find the research that have been funded within the National Programme on Working Life Research in 2017. All links below lead to the Swecris database. The database enables you to search, compare and produce statistics for Swedish research projects.

Working Life Research 2017

61 million SEK has been allocated for the call to the period 2017-2019.

Funded research

Immigrants’ legal status, integration and life course patterns in Sweden (In swedish)

Early labour market outcomes of young adults (YOUNGWORK)

How has Sweden´s recent education reforms affected the labor market for teachers and the youth labor market entry?

Inclusion measures targeting those far from the labour market

Labor market exclusion of ethnic minorities – the role of social networks

Sick leave among those in paid work aged above 65: cohort studies of the Swedish total population

Measuring physicians’ attitudes towards disability pension applicants with mental illnesses in Sweden: A vignette-based questionnaire

Back to work? Sick people´s experiences of Swedish sick insurance politics

Stronger together? A micro-history of collective action and working life in turn of the last century Sweden

Online medical records with patient access: How do they affect doctors´ practice, profession and patient relations?

Managing healthcare by numbers

Short inter-shift intervals and their effects on sleep, fatigue, performance and safety in the healthcare sector

Self-employment, precarious work and health inequality in Sweden

Bending the bars of the iron cage: Bureaucracy and the politics of administrative simplification

Exposure to welding fumes in Swedish workplaces and risk of lung cancer (WELDCANCER)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and occupational exposures classified by job exposure matrices (JEM) in 17 countries

The impact of shift and night work on the risk of myocardial infarction, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, stroke and diabetes. A cohort study among health care workers in Stockholm

Key business indicators as risk factors for occupational accidents in Sweden (KIROS)

Work related psychosocial exposure and development of diabetes

The importance of physical workload for the development of disorders, work ability and exit from working life for employees with musculoskeletal disorders – a 12-year follow-up

The effect of respirable dust on small airway lining fluid lipid composition

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Granted applications within the call “Working Life Research 2017”