25 new postdoc projects granted funding

Forte allocates SEK 51.6 million to 25 new postdoc projects. The grants aim to give junior researchers enhanced opportunities to continue their research careers, as well as to contribute to increased international researcher mobility.
On 25 May, Forte’s board decided to fund 25 new postdoc projects that have applied through the annual call for postdoc grants in 2022. The projects will be carried out between 2023–2024, with an average budget of just over SEK 2 million each.
Four of the granted projects concern international exchanges between Sweden, Finland, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. The international grants aim to promote international researcher mobility and cross-border research collaboration. The other 21 projects are national and will be carried out within Sweden.
Overall, the awarded postdoctoral projects cover a wide range of research questions within Fortes’ areas of health, working life and welfare. Issues covered include internet-based CBT for children with obsessive-compulsive disorder, differences in cancer survival between different socioeconomic groups, gender equality in the truck driver profession and the promotion of cognitive health in the elderly.
On the page Grant decisions you will find a list of all approved applications.