To strengthen the conditions for research within Forte’s areas, Forte announces funding for the collection and management of data. The aim is for the projects to generate new data and make data accessible that can serve as the basis for new research.

The purpose of the call is to fund projects that can generate research data or make it accessible. The data should have the potential to form the basis for research of good scientific quality as well as high societal relevance and opportunities for utilisation.  The grant can, for example, be used to conduct new data collection for existing longitudinal studies or to supplement existing research material with new registry data. The projects should contribute added value for a research environment or research project.

There is also a need to support systematization, harmonization and documentation of research data in order to make data openly available according to the FAIR principles. In some cases, this may include a need to develop tools or support for research that deals with complex data.

Focus of the call

In this call, Forte is looking for projects that are limited to one or more of these focus areas:

  • Data collection
  • Systematization, harmonization and documentation (metadata) of data
  • Development of tools or support that improve or simplify the use of data or increase
    its quality

The projects must result in added value for a research environment or a research project and be relevant to one of Forte’s areas: health, working life and welfare. The management of research data and metadata generated within the projects should follow good research data management, including the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable).

For more information about the focus of the call, see the document “Information about the call” below.

About the grant

One type of grant is available within this call for proposals: project grant. Project grants facilitate the implementation of a defined project. Project grants may be applied for by individual researchers as well as research groups.

Project duration: Funding may be sought for one year with an additional availability period of one year.

Funding amounts: There is no maximum amount for this type of grant, but the requested budget must be explained and justified in the application. The project’s budget is assessed in relation to the scope of the project. Given the total budget for the call, a reasonable guideline for the project budget is between SEK 0.5 and 2 million.

Eligibility and parallel grants

To apply for a grant under this call for proposals, you must have obtained a doctoral degree no later than the closing date of the call for proposals. You must also have submitted final reports for previously granted funds from Forte within the specified deadline.

Those who have an ongoing project grant are generally disqualified from applying for funds in the annual call for project grants. However, the call “Project grants for new, improved, and accessible research data 2024” is exempt from this rule. Grants awarded in this call do not preclude applying or being awarded a grant in Forte’s call for project grants. A requirement, however, is that the projects differ from each other.

Information meeting

On 28 May we are organised an information meeting where we provided more details about the grant and the background of the call.

View the recording (in Swedish) »


Call opens: 14 May 2024 at 10:00

Information meeting: 28 May 2024 at 13:00

Call closes: 15 August 2024 at 14:00

Decisions taken on funding: 28 November 2024

Funding decisions are published: 29 November 2024

Project start: 10 December 2024