The grant relates to financial support for holding conferences hosted by a Swedish institution of higher education or scientific/scholarly organisation. The intention is to facilitate contacts and exchange of experience between researchers, and to contribute to the dissemination of research.

 The financial support is intended for national conferences within our research areas, held in Sweden and open to all researchers in the field. We encourage to include international elements such as invited speakers. However, international conferences and congresses are not financed via this call. Forte can contribute to the financing of Nordic conferences, if the added value of the Swedish hosting is made clear.

Grant limit

The maximum grant amount is SEK 300,000. The project duration is one year with a three-month period for utilisation after the project period, which means that there is a total of 15 months to arrange the conference.

Who can apply?

All applications are submitted through the Prisma application and review system. Before writing your application, make sure the following conditions are met:

  • You have created a personal account in Prisma.
  • Your administrating organisation has an organisational account in Prisma and has been approved as an administrating organisation at Forte. Read more about Forte’s criteria for administrating organisations: Forte’s criteria for administering organisations »

Time plan

  • The call opens: 19 June 2024 10.00 CET
  • The call closes: 10 September 2024 14.00 CET
  • Forte decides on funding: 11 November 2024
  • Decisions published: 12 November 2024
  • Project start: 1 December 2024