Forte is now granting SEK 315 million in funding to 71 new research projects that applied through the annual open call for project grants 2022. The projects, which will run until 2026, cover all of Forte’s areas – health, working life and welfare.


A total of 770 applications were received in Forte’s annual call for project grants 2022. Following the thorough review process, which has involved 11 different review panels and over 100 experts, Forte’s board has now decided on funding. 71 research projects are granted funding – amounting to a total of SEK 315 million over a three-year period. The new research projects will start in January 2023 and will be conducted at 24 different universities and other organisations.

Open call provides conditions for a broad knowledge base

The annual call for project grants welcomes all applications within Forte’s areas of health, working life and welfare. The purpose of the call is to enable researchers to analyse and contribute to the understanding of a specific research area or question. Sofie Wallerström, coordinating Senior Research Officer for the annual call for project grants, explains that the call is an important strategic tool in achieving Forte’s vision of a more equal, inclusive and sustainable society.

Sofie Wallerström, coordinator for the annual call for project grants

–  In order to create a broad knowledge base that supports the development of society, we need both targeted and open initiatives. Within this call, we get researcher-initiated projects responding to today’s societal challenges in Sweden. It is important that research is conducted in a variety of areas and with interdisciplinary approaches.

See who received funding

Examples of research questions that will be studied within the funded projects are: What drives men to become incels? Does increased school demands lead to stress and mental health problems in youths? Are people more willing to accept more ambitious climate policies if they are compensated by a generous welfare state? What effects does post-covid have on the individual and on society? Overall, the funded research projects respond to a large number of societal challenges and have potential to contribute to evidence-based knowledge within the entire scope of Forte’s areas. On the page “Grant decisions”, you can find a list of all granted applications, including information about project titles and project leaders.

Planning for the annual open call 2023

Forte is now planning for next year’s open call for project grants, which will open in January 2023. Since 2022, applications within the call are handled in a one-step process. Grant decisions are made during the autumn following the application period. More information about the call will be published during autumn 2022.