Below you find the research that have been funded within the National Programme on Working Life Research 2023. All links below lead to the Swecris database. The database enables you to search, compare and produce statistics for Swedish research projects.

Challenges in Working Life 2023

A total of SEK 120 million is reserved for the years 2023–2028.

Funded research

ALGOSH: Algorithmic management at work – challenges, opportunities and strategies for occupational safety and health and wellbeing

Traps for women or meaningful jobs for the future? Challenges and opportunities in female-dominated occupations

Labour market challenges of green transition in West Sweden: Electrification and the transition of the automotive cluster

On the factory and forest floors: Societal change and the green transition of working life

A broadened approach to analyzing the role of the welfare system for a sustainable working life

Workplace structure and work-related ill-health: female dominance, organizational factors, initiatives and political decisions in municipal administration

Sustainable synergies: A comparative perspective on Swedish social policy to develop inclusive programmes for an extended working life

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The call “Challenges in Working Life 2023”

Granted applications in the call “Challenges in Working Life 2023”


Co-production for a Sustainable Working Life 2023

A total of SEK 36 million has been allocated for the period 2023–2025.

Funded research

Prerequisites for increased inclusion and sustainability in working life for young adults with ADHD

Coproducing a randomised controlled trial to study the effectiveness of Individual Placement and Support for persons with alcohol and drug addiction for a sustainable inclusion in working life

Cross-functional teamwork in criminal investigation: An intervention project aimed to support collaborative work for detectives

Uprooting ill health through organizational interventions: Necessary and/or sufficient conditions for addressing ill health in female- dominated municipal workplaces

Women 4 Integration. Co-producing an inclusive working life in Social Enterprises

Embodying self-leadership and distributed leadership in the Swedish Public sector: developing practices for sustainable hybrid workplace

The Janus-face of the standardization of work- a co-operative study of home care

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The call “Co-production for a Sustainable Working Life 2023”

Granted applications in the call “Co-production for a Sustainable Working Life 2023”