SEK 65 million to contribute to career development for junior researchers

Fortes now grants SEK 65 million to 30 Swedish and international postdoc projekt. The grants aim to strengthen the possibilities for junior researchers to continue their research careers after obtaining a doctoral degree.
Twelve of the granted projects are funded through Forte’s international postdoc programme. In addition to providing an opportunity for awarded researchers to develop their competence and research careers, these grants also aim to contribute to increased international researcher mobility and cross-border research collaboration.
The international postdoc grants are awarded to both incoming and outgoing researchers. Research exchanges will, among other, take place between Sweden, Denmark, England, France, Canada and USA.
The remaining 18 postdoc grants are awarded to researchers that applied in Forte’s annual open call for proposals for 2021. These projects are mainly Sweden-based.
The granted postdoc projects cover all of Forte’s areas of health, working life and welfare. Examples of topics to be studied include the following:
- Vaccine rumors and trust among vaccine hesitant communities in Sweden
- Growing up in illegality: Young adults’ life histories about the impact of a childhood lived under a long-lasting threat of deportation – retrospective voices from Denmark and Sweden
- Infants in out-of-home care: Prevalence, care histories, and adult outcomes
- Historical Perspectives on the Repatriation and Integration of Scandinavian ISIS Children
Lists of all granted applications are published on the page Grant decisions.