On this page you will find information about Forte’s upcoming calls for proposals. Visit the page open calls to see which calls are open for applications right now.

Please note that the planning for future calls is preliminary and that some details and dates may change. As soon as more information is available, you can click on the call to access the information. More calls might be added to the list during the year.

Call  Opens Closes Decision
Journal grants August 28, 2024 October 17, 2024 Nov/Dec 2024
Network grants August 28, 2024 October 17, 2024 Nov/Dec 2024
Project grants and grants for research reviews (applied welfare research) October 1, 2024 November 14, 2024 Spring 2025
Project and starting grants (working life) November 2024 February 2025 2025
Project grants (serious psychiatric diseases and conditions) November 2024 February 2025 2025
Project grants 2025 January 2025 February 2025 Autumn 2025
Starting grants 2025 January 2025 March 2025 Autumn 2025
Conference grants I 2025 January 2025 March 2025 Spring 2025
Visiting researcher grants 2025 June 2025 August 2025 Autumn 2025