Are you applying for funding from Forte and have questions about your application? Here we have compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions. Please note that the answers are often general and that the requirements for a specific call can be found in the document “Information about the call” on the call page.

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Staffing and eligibility

What opportunities are there for an individual researcher to apply for funds in project calls?

Answer: It is possible to apply for funding in Forte’s calls for proposals as an individual researcher (unless otherwise stated in the call text). When assessing the application, the project’s staffing is weighed into the feasibility criterion and Forte’s reviewers then assess whether the project is best suited to be conducted individually or in a group setting.

Are there any limitations regarding the number of participating researchers or other participants in a research project?

Answer: There are no restrictions on the number of participating researchers or other participants in Forte’s annual call for project grants, but restrictions may apply in other calls. Therefore, always read the call text carefully.

The participating researchers must have personal accounts in Prisma where they submit their resume. They must also agree, via Prisma, to participate in the project before the call closes, otherwise the application cannot be submitted. Other participants are not required to have a personal account or agree to participate, nor do they need to be named.

Is it possible to include funding for a doctoral student in a research project?

Answer: In calls for project grants, tasks are financed, not positions. These tasks can be performed by a doctoral student. Anyone applying for funds at Forte, both main applicants and participating researchers, must have a doctoral degree and their own account in Prisma. However, it is possible to seek funding for salary costs for other project participants who are not formally participating researchers. Remember to describe what all participants bring to the project.

Please specify salary costs for the doctoral student when completing the budget portion of the application. The doctoral student does not need to be named. Note that Forte does not fund doctoral studies.

Which participants in a project should upload their resume and publication details?

Answer: Each person included in the application as a participating researcher must create a personal account in Prisma. All resumes and details of publications by main applicants and participating researchers should be saved in each applicant’s/researcher’s personal account.

Anyone who is not a participating researcher does not need a personal account in Prisma and thus should not upload this data.

Does the main applicant have to be a full-time employee of the administrating organisation?

Answer: As a main applicant, you do not need to have a position at the time of application, but if the application is granted, you are expected to be employed by your chosen administrating organisation.

Read more about the criteria here: Forte’s criteria for administrating organisations

Forte does not impose any requirements regarding the scope of employment of the main applicant. You might consider that the intended project leader must have enough time to be able to implement the project, and that this is weighed into the assessment made by Forte’s reviewers.

International project collaborations

Can I include international elements in my research project?

Answer: Yes. Forte’s grants can be used to fund research where certain parts are carried out in other countries. However, the research must be initiated, led and mainly carried out from Sweden or be a clear part of collaborative research. The research must also be relevant to Sweden and Swedish circumstances. Remember to always consider defense and security policy aspects in international research collaboration.

Can the main applicant be employed abroad?

Answer: No. The project leader must be employed by an organisation that is approved as an administrating organisation by Forte. The administrating organisation must be a Swedish organisation and meet a number of criteria.

Read more about the criteria here: Forte’s criteria for administrating organisations

Can participating researchers or participants from another country be involved in a project, and if so, how is this arranged?

Answer: Yes, the grant from Forte may be used to cover costs for foreign personnel or activities and services performed in other countries. Foreign participants can therefore be paid in the project. This, like all costs, should be justified in the budget. Read more about this on this page: Guidelines for international research

If the foreign researcher is essential for the realisation of the planned research, they can create their own account and be included as a participating researcher in the application. Participating researchers must have a doctoral degree. Please note that Forte sometimes has special international calls where different conditions may apply. Always read the call text for the call you are interested in applying for.

Forte’s annual call for project grants

Can I be the main applicant in Forte’s annual call for project grants while being the main applicant for a project in a thematic call for project grants (i.e. a call other than the annual call for project grants)?

Answer: Yes, but you cannot receive funding for the same project, or for parts of different projects that overlap, in multiple calls. The annual call for project grants also has an eligibility requirement that states that you as the project leader of an ongoing project grant in a thematic call, are not eligible to apply in the annual call for project grants, regardless of whether the projects are similar or not. This means that if you accept a project grant in a thematic call, your parallel application in the annual call will not proceed further in the assessment.

Is there a limit to how many projects I can be part of as a participating researcher?

Answer: No, you can be a participating researcher in several projects. You can also apply for grants as a main applicant if you are a participating researcher in one or several other projects.

What ongoing grants disqualify me from applying for funds in the annual call for project grants?

Answer: If you are the project leader for an ongoing project grant that is granted through one of Forte’s calls , you can not be the main applicant for a new project grant in the annual call for project grants. However, certain calls are exempt from this rule. This applies to international calls conducted in collaboration with other organisations as well as the call for “Project grants for new, improved, and accessible research data 2024”.

You may also not be the main applicant for a project grant in the annual call for project grants if you have an ongoing starting grant with Forte. However, it is possible to apply if you are the project leader of another type of grant, such as a journal grant, postdoc grant or programme grant. You can also apply for grants as a main applicant if you are a participating researcher in one or several other projects.

I have an ongoing project grant that was granted within the annual call for project grants. Can I apply for…

  • …a project grant in the annual call for project grants? No
  • …a project grant in a thematic call? Yes
  • …a project grant in an international cooperation call? Yes
  • …another type of grant? Yes

I have an ongoing project grant that was granted within a thematic call. Can I apply for…

  • …a project grant in the annual call for project grants? No
  • …a project grant in a thematic call? Yes
  • …a project grant in an international cooperation call? Yes
  • …another type of grant? Yes

I have an ongoing starting grant. Can I apply for…

  • …a project grant in the annual call for project grants? No
  • …a project grant in a thematic call? Yes
  • …a project grant in an international cooperation call? Yes
  • …another type of grant? Yes

I have an ongoing project grant that was granted within an international cooperation call. Can I apply for…

  • …a project grant in the annual call for project grants? Yes
  • …a project grant in a thematic call? Yes
  • …a project grant in an international cooperation call? Yes
  • …another type of grant? Yes

I have an ongoing project grant that was granted within the call “Project grants for new, improved, and accessible research data 2024”. Can I apply for…

  • …a project grant in the annual call for project grants? Yes
  • …a project grant in a thematic call? Yes
  • …a project grant in an international cooperation call? Yes
  • …another type of grant? Yes

I have another type of grant. Can I apply for…

  • …a project grant in the annual call for project grants? Yes
  • …a project grant in a thematic call? Yes
  • …a project grant in an international cooperation call? Yes
  • …another type of grant? Yes

When does my previous project have to be completed if I apply for new funding in the annual call for project grants?

Answer: Your previous grant must be completed by the project start for new applications within the annual call for project grants. The grant is considered ongoing during its project time (grant period). The grant period is specified in your contract. If the grant period has ended, but the availability period has not, it is possible to apply for funding for a new project.

Is there a limit to the amount I can apply for per year?

Answer: No, in the annual call for project grants, Forte has no budget limitation per year. Where there are limitations, this applies to the total amount for the entire grant period. In other calls, other rules may apply, so read the call text carefully.

Forte’s fields of research and subject classification

Does my project fall within Forte’s fields of research?

Answer: Forte’s three fields of research are health, working life and welfare. Forte is also responsible for coordinating national research in five designated areas: children and young people, ageing, international migration and ethnic relations (IMER), disability, and social research on alcohol and narcotics. Forte funds research in these areas as well. Read more about Forte’s main fields of research here: Fields of research

It is often difficult to determine from a brief description of a project whether the research falls within Fortes’ remit. When a call has closed, Forte makes a general screening of the applications. However, since a careful reading of the application is required to make a complete assessment, in most cases it becomes a matter for the review panel to decide whether the application is relevant to Forte or not.

How do I know which review panel to choose in the annual call for project grants?

Answer: Read about the review panels and its reviewers on the page Review panels for the annual call for project grants. There you will find information about the competence of the reviewers in each group.

What role does the subject classification and classification of global sustainability goals play in the assessment of my application?

Answer: Applications are assessed based on Forte’s assessment criteria. Keywords, subject classification, global sustainability goals and similar classifications are primarily used for analysis and follow-up and are not considered in the assessment of the application.

Budget and eligible costs

What is the difference between “Activity level in the project” and “Salaries”?

Answer: The table “Activity level in the project” indicates how much the respective participants will work in the project. This is often the same scope for which you are also seeking salary funding, but sometimes people work more in a project than they are paid for. If a participant is to be paid to the same extent as their level of activity, the same percentage is entered under “Activity level” and “Percentage of salary”.

Why is it no longer possible to apply for funding to publish findings with open access?

Answer: The results of publicly funded research should be accessible to all. This is why Forte requires that the researchers we fund must publish their results with open access. Forte funds open access publishing by contributing to national funding of so-called transformative agreements between the Royal Library of Sweden, funders, universities and publishers. The agreements allow for free publication without publication fees for the authors (APCs). In the light of this, the costs of general publication may not be included as direct cost in the application. Read more about open access here: Guidelines for Publication with Open Access

May I include companies in my research that invoice for their expenses in the project?

Answer: Forte does not have a rule prohibiting the use of companies in a project, but it is important to ensure that the research carried out in the project does not have commercial ties that affect its objectivity, independence or transparency. Read more about our grant terms here: General terms and conditions

May I combine funding from Forte with funding from other sources?

Answer: Forte cannot finance projects, sub-studies or activities already funded by Forte or any other financier. However, it is possible to combine funding from Forte with funding from other sources to extend a project, for example. It is then important to clearly state this in the application so that it is clear which parts are already funded and how the funds sought from Forte will be used.

Please note that you should always indicate in the application whether you have applied for or received funding for all or part of your project from Forte or any other financier.


Is it possible to access applications that have previously been granted funding?

Answer: Yes, please send an email to  to request public documents. Keep in mind, however, that the registry has limited ability to pick out relevant applications. We therefore recommend that you first identify a relevant project in Swecris. In Swecris you will find information about all projects that have been funded by Forte, and you can search using keywords and other variables. Please include the project ID in your request to Forte.

Is it possible to change the timing of the project start?

Answer: No, unfortunately it is not possible to postpone the start of the project. However, Forte always grants one extra year to dispose of the grant beyond the specified grant period, which in practice allows for some flexibility. Read more about this under point 3.2 of the General Conditions, which can be found here: General terms and conditions

Do all applications get feedback?

Answer: Yes, from 2022 all applications receive written feedback justifying the decision, regardless of whether the application is granted or rejected.

Where can I find the review panel’s feedback on my application?

Answer: When Forte has made its decision on whether to fund or reject the application, you will receive a notification. The decision letter includes a separate document containing the joint justification of the decision (statement) made by the review panel. You can find it in Prisma under the “Applications” page (alternatively the “Grants” page) under the “Details” button. Please note that for some of Forte’s grants, the statement is included in the decision letter.