Types of grants
Forte funds research through a number of different types of grants, divided into five support forms. Besides contributing to the development and dissemination of new knowledge, some of them are intended to strengthen research environments in the long-term, promote researcher career development or facilitate knowledge exchange.
On this page, you will find some brief information about our support forms and grant types. Under Open calls you can see which calls are open right now.
Project support
Project support includes grants for one or several researchers to carry out a well-defined research project. The support form also includes funding for different types of syntheses or research reviews that aim to summarise the state of knowledge within an area.
Project grants
The majority of Forte’s funding is distributed through project grants. These are usually two to four years in length and should contribute to increased knowledge of an identified issue. The grant amounts may vary between calls. Projects can be carried out by both individual researchers and research groups.
Grants for research reviews
The purpose of grants for research reviews is to describe the existing knowledge and need for knowledge by compiling current research within a defined area. The research review must follow an established method and the results made available to relevant target groups in a suitable manner.
Research environment support
Forte’s research environment support includes grant types that aim to strengthen existing research environments or enable the establishment of new research environments within Forte’s areas.
Programme grants
Programme grants are intended for long-term knowledge advancement and the set-up and development of prominent research groups within a common research environment. The purpose of programme grants is to make it possible to tackle broader issues in strategic areas over the longer term. The grant is awarded for a period of six years.
Research centre grants
This grant type will be revised in the spring of 2025 in preparation for an upcoming call for research centre grants.
Research school grants
Forte’s research school grants aim to build up or strengthen a research area by one or more higher education institutions establishing a cohesive research programme with associated course programmes. The research school offers training for a doctoral or licentiate degree. The grant is aimed at organisations and cannot be applied for by individuals.
Career support
Career support are grant types that aim to strengthen individual researchers’ opportunities for an academic career.
Starting grants
The purpose of starting grants is to support the development of junior researchers’ academic careers. The grant is intended to promote independence and establishment in their own research field by providing an opportunity to lead their own defined research project, lasting up to three years. The purpose of the grant is also to stimulate mobility among junior researchers.
Collaboration support
Collaboration support includes grants aimed at exchanging, disseminating, or utilising knowledge about ongoing research. The exchange can take place between academia and practice or within academia.
Impact grants
The purpose of impact grants is to promote the dissemination and implementation of current research, so that it can be applied outside of the higher education institutions and therefore help provide solutions to current societal challenges.
Visiting researcher grants
The purpose of visiting researcher grants is to strengthen the quality and relevance of Swedish research and to increase its international dissemination through an exchange of experiences between the Swedish and the international research community. The grant is primarily intended for shorter visits for research collaboration, exchange of experiences and consultations.
Network grants
The purpose of network grants is to strengthen the research fields within Forte’s areas by helping a group of researchers from a number of research environments to exchange experiences and develop collaborations through repeated gatherings over a longer period of time.
Conference grants
Conference grants aim to strengthen the research fields within Forte’s areas by arranging national scientific conferences, where researchers and practitioners can exchange experiences and knowledge and develop collaborations.
Grants for practice-oriented research fellows
The purpose of Forte’s grants for practice-oriented research fellows is to strengthen the link between research and practice by giving doctorate holders working outside of higher education institutions the chance to carry out practice-based research and to put research experience into practice.
Collaboration grants
The purpose of collaboration grants is to support the development of knowledge-based practice and practice-based research through collaboration between academia and practice.
Organisational and infrastructure support
Organisational and infrastructure support includes grant types that aim to develop or maintain the supporting structures of research.
Planning grants
The purpose of planning grants is to allow preparation for future, full-scale research projects in collaboration with relevant partners outside of academia.
Journal grants
The purpose of journal grants is partly to support scientific discussion and publication and partly to support popular science communication and the dissemination of knowledge. The grant is only available to Swedish-language, publicly accessible journals. The grant covers both scientific journals and information periodicals.