Funded research within the area of elderly and ageing 2023
Below you will find the research that have been funded within the area of elderly and ageing 2023. All links below lead to the Swecris database. The database enables you to search, compare and produce statistics for Swedish research projects.
Knowledge and working methods to support ageing with equality, participation and dignity 2023
In total, SEK 200 million is reserved for the period 1 July 2023 – June 2029.
Funded research
Addressing mental health, involuntary loneliness and social isolation among older LGBT+ people
Rethinking Environments in Dementia Care Homes (REDem)- paving the way for equality in care delivery
Welfare technology and Electronic Performance Monitoring (EPM) in Swedish elderly care
Implementation and use of GPS alarms in municipal health and social care: A work method
ASSIP-OA short psychological intervention for suicidal older adults
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Granted applications within the call “Knowledge and working methods – ageing 2023”