Fields of research
Forte funds research within three main fields: health, working life and welfare. This is research that concerns us all and gives us knowledge to develop, both individually and as a society. Here you can read more about our fields of research and how they can contribute to the society of tomorrow.
We fund research regarding both public and individual health. Research within this field includes studies on diseases and what affects the risk of being infected. It also includes efforts to promote good health and prevent ill health, rehabilitation and nursing, health care processes and systems.
Research within this field also includes health care research. This research field aims to develop health care and social care services for patients, diseased and their relatives. To improve clinical results, coordinated research on healthcare as a sector is necessary. It is also important to evaluate effective methods for implementation.
Working life
The research we fund within the working life area include studies on the labor market, work organization and work related health issues. One of the challenges for the future is to better understand the Swedish labor market, risks and possibilities linked to the physical and psychological work environment and organization and management of work to achieve a sustainable working life.
Changes in society, such as migration, urbanization and technological development affect work organizations, work conditions and forms of employment, which creates a great need of research.
Sweden has a well-established welfare system that today faces several challenges. Research is crucial in meeting these challenges and working for a continuously improved welfare. Within the welfare research field we fund research on social policy and social insurance objectives, laws and institutions, and how they affect the welfare system.
Research within this area also includes studies on welfare and life conditions for specific groups. To promote a positive development of social relations in society we need new and more profound knowledge about ethnic relations, the living conditions of children and young people and the possibilities for disabled people to fully participate in society.
Five areas of coordination
Within Forte’s overarching areas of health, working life and welfare, Forte is commissioned by the Swedish Government to coordinate the national research in five specific areas. The five areas of coordination are children and young people, ageing, international migration and ethnic relations (IMER), disability and social research on alcohol and narcotics.