SEK 137 million to research environments within child and adolescent mental health

Forte, the Swedish Research Council and Vinnova grants SEK 137 million to research that will face one of the greatest societal challenges of our times – child and adolescent mental health.
The number of youths that seek medical care due to mental problems is increasing. This calls for societal intervention. Newly arrived children and adolescents, and children and adolescents with disabilities are especially vulnerable groups. This is why, in spring 2018, Forte, the Swedish Research Council and Vinnova carried out a joint call for proposals for research aimed at these specific groups.
The call for proposals requested research that leads to increased participation, inclusion and integration and establishment in society for the identified target groups, focusing on mental health. A total of 19 applications were received, out of which six is now granted funding. The granted research environments will receive SEK 137 million over the coming six-year period.
“Child and adolescent mental health is an incredibly important matter, and persons with disabilities and newly arrived youths are groups facing particularly great challenges. With this call for proposals, the funding agencies join forces to make a long-term investment in child and adolescent mental health, in order to develop the research field for the future”, says Thomas Jacobsson, Forte’s representative in the collaboration.
The collaboration is a continuation of a previous initiative. During the period 2012–2017, Formas, Forte, the Swedish Research Council and Vinnova carried out a joint initiative on research on child and adolescent mental health. A total of SEK 300 million was then invested in research within the area.
More information about the 2018 call for proposals, and the granted research environments can be found at the Swedish Research Councils web site,