Proposal for a national strategy for stronger participation in Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the new European framework programme for research and innovation to be implemented during the period 2021–2027. It will contribute to fulfilling visions of a prosperous, fair and sustainable society. The program strengthens green growth and competitiveness, and has clear global goals to combat climate change and contribute to sustainable development.
The report Gathering power for Horizon Europe contains proposals for a strategy for Swedish participation in Horizon Europe. The proposal has been developed by Formas, Forte, Swedish Space Agency, Swedish Energy Agency, Swedish Research Council and Vinnova, on behalf of the Swedish government. The goal is to maximize the benefits for Swedish research and innovation and enable synergies and interaction between actors at national and EU level.
The strategy proposal is based on analyzes as well as interviews and questionnaire responses from various research and innovation actors. The proposal has five high ambitions for what the Swedish participation will provide:
- world class in terms of research quality and innovation
- knowledge and capacity that ensures sustainable development
- efficient sharing of resources and data
- internationally attractive actors and environments
- increased influence on European research and innovation policy as well as on the framework programme
Based on these ambitions, eleven strategic goals have been formulated and several associated measures. The goals all entail an increase in the current level of ambition and a strengthened Swedish participation in all parts of the framework programme.
The government assignment with the proposal started in May 2020 and it was submitted to the government in October 2020.