Forte announces funding for enhancing the impact of research
In June, Forte will open a call for applications regarding impact of research. A completely new type of grant is introduced, with the aim of supporting activities that increase the opportunities for Forte-funded research to contribute to solutions to challenges in society.
Research within Forte’s areas are central for a strong and socially sustainable society, but in order to contribute, the knowledge must be utilized. Therefore, Forte has initiated the call “Impact 2022”, that will contribute to increased impact of Forte-funded research. The projects should address societal challenges within Forte’s areas of responsibility and contribute to the Swedish implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
– We are already working in various ways to help research reach out in society. Now, we also want to try to give researchers with ongoing funding from Forte increased opportunities to carry out activities for utilization, recruit competence and collaborate with other actors, says Andreas Nilsson, Communicator at Forte who is involved in the preparations for the call.
The grant aims to enable activities that increase the impact of an existing research project or research programme. The call welcomes applications from projects and programmes that have received funding through a number of Forte’s previous calls.
– This is an exciting new venture for Forte, and we hope to get many good ideas on how knowledge can lead to impact. The lessons learned from this call will be useful for any future calls in the same form, or other activities focused on research impact, says Staffan Arvidsson, Senior Research Officer at Forte.

About the grant
Project duration: Up to 1 year
Grant limit: There is no grant limit for this type of grant, but Forte estimates around SEK 500 000 per grant. A total of SEK 10 million is allocated for the call.
Only one application per previously granted project or programme is allowed.
Who can apply?
The main applicant must have obtained a doctoral degree, and be a main applicant or participating researcher in a project or programme granted funding in one of the following calls from Forte:
- Increased Knowledge on Elderly Care 2020
- Applied Welfare Research 2020
- Practice-oriented Research into Mental Illness 2019
- Applied Welfare Research 2019
- Challenges in Working Life 2019
- Research on Ageing and Health 2019
- Research on functional impairment 2018
- Research on the quality, organisation and processes of welfare 2018
- Heath Care Science 2018
Time plan
The call opens: 1 June 2022
Deadline for applications: 1 September 2022
Forte’s board decides on funding: 13 October 2022
Project start: 1 December 2022
Further details of the call as well as instructions on how to apply will be published when the call for applications opens in June.