A substantial part of Forte’s research funding is administered through the annual call for project grants. This page gives you an overview of the review panels that assess applications within the call. For other calls for proposals, applications are assessed by specially appointed review panels.

Forte’s annual call for project grants covers all three of our main areas: health, working life, and welfare. These areas are further divided into several subfields, each with associated review panels responsible for assessing applications.

It is important to note that Forte does not fund clinical (medical) treatment studies or biomedical (preclinical) basic research. Analyses of environmental exposures that cannot be clearly linked to health effects or working life are neither included in Forte’s research areas.

The review panels consist of researchers with broad expertise in the areas managed by the group, many of whom are from other Nordic countries. Each panel also includes community representatives, such as individuals from government agencies and interest organisations, who assess the societal relevance of the research.

The panels are chaired by an external chairperson and supported by a senior research officer from Forte.

New descriptions published! In order to clarify and facilitate for both applicants and reviewers, Forte has improved the descriptive texts about which research is assessed in the various review panels. The updated texts were published on the respective review panel’s webpage 20 december 2024.

Panels within Health

There are three review panels within health:

Panels within Working Life

There are three review panels within working life:

Panels within Welfare

There are three review panels within welfare: