Grant management
In Prisma, you can monitor and manage your ongoing grants by submitting various requests. For example, you can make requests to extend the availability period, change the project leader or administrating organisation, end the project early or change the project site.
You can make requests concerning your grant in the grants summary in Prisma. This page describes how requests regarding Forte grants are handled. Read more about how to submit requests in the Prisma user manual ( .
General information about requests
Organisation grants
For organisation grants, all requests must be submitted via Prisma by the person responsible for the organisation account or the user responsible for applications.
Withdraw your request
You can withdraw your request until the administrating organisation has signed the request. When the administrating organisation has signed the request, you will no longer be able to select “Withdraw” in the dropdown list for the request.
View the status of your request
Only one request at the time can be processed. Follow the process of your request in the column Status.
Types of requests
Extension of the availability period
If you have an ongoing grant from Forte, you should finalise your project within the time frame specified in your grant decision or terms of approval. Unless otherwise specified in the terms that apply to your grant, you may use the grant for a period of one year after the stipulated grant period has expired. However, there are circumstances when an extension of the availability period is possible.
Forte only approves an extension of the availability period in cases where parental leave or circumstances beyond your control has prevented your research and thus affected the possibility to finalise the project on time. This primarily refers to parental leave or long-term illness of the project leader. The absence may also refer to other project participants that are central for the project.
You must submit your request for an extension during the final year of the availability period, and no later than two months before the end of the availability period. If your availability period has not previously been extended, you will find the date in the document called Terms of approval.
Change of administrating organisation
You can make a request to change the administrating organisation for your project. A change can be approved in the following cases:
- The project leader changes employer (organisation)
- A significant part of the project is conducted at another organisation
- Other reason, as specified in the request
A change of administrating organisation cannot be made between October 2 and December 31 for administrative reasons (technical limitation in Prisma).
The request must be signed by both the current administrating organisations and the new intended administrating organisation. The new organisation must be approved as an administrating organisation by Forte and have an organisational account in Prisma. Criteria for administrating organisations »
When the request has been submitted, Forte decides whether to approve or reject the request. From the approved exchange date, all payments will temporarily be stopped.
If funds have already been disbursed, the former administrating organisation must submit a final financial report and repay any unused portion of the grant to Forte. This must be done no later than 30 days after the change of administrating organisations.
When the final financial report as well as any required repayments have been made, Forte will make a decision to transfer the funds to the new administrating organisation. New terms of approval will then be sent to the new administrating organisation and the project leader for signing. After this, all further payments can begin to be paid out to the new administrating organisation.
Change of project leader
You can make a request to change the project leader for your project. A change can be approved in the following cases:
- The project leader changes occupation or location
- The project leader retires
- Other reason, as specified in the request
The new intended project leader must have an account in Prisma and meet Forte’s eligibility criteria (PhD). In order to be approved, the new project leader cannot have another grant within the same call.
When the request for change of project leader has been submitted, the new intended project leader must compile their CV details and publications in a PDF file. Send the document to Please provide the grant reference number in the email. Standard limitations for CV and publication details »
The request must be signed by both the new intended project leader and the administrating organisation.
If the former project leader for some reason cannot submit the request themself, Forte can initiate the change in agreement with the administrating organisation via email (
Change of project leader and administrating organisation
Use this request when you want to change both the project leader and the administrating organisation. Both administrating organisations and the intended project leader must sign the request in Prisma. Read more under the sections above.
A change of administrating organisation cannot be made between October 2 and December 31 for administrative reasons (technical limitation in Prisma).
Change of project site
“Project site” is the department/unit at your current adminstrating organisation. The change is processed by the administrating organisation via the organisation account in Prisma and does not have to be handled by Forte. When a change has been made, it is displayed to Forte’s staff, but Forte does not receive any notification about it.
Early termination of a grant
If, for some reason, you are unable to finalise the project for which you have received a grant, you will need to submit a request for early termination via Prisma. This can also be necessary if your project has been finalised at a very early stage of the project period. In some cases, you may need to request early termination of the grant if you have been granted funds but wish to decline it (reject). This applies if both the project leader and the administrating organisation have already signed the terms of approval. Otherwise, please select ”Decline grant” when reviewing the terms.
If you want to terminate the grant after the grant period has ended, but within the availability period of the grant, you can request that the forms for final reporting are opened earlier. If this is the case, please contact us at
The administrating organisation does not need to sign the request but will be notified that a request has been submitted. When the request has been submitted, it must first be approved by Forte. After the decision has been made you have one month to submit a final financial and scientific report on the grant and to repay any unspent funds. The grant can then be terminated by Forte.
If the former project leader for some reason cannot submit the request themself, Forte can end the grant in agreement with the administrating organisation via email (