Forte aims to ensure that artificial intelligence (AI) is used responsibly and transparently, both in research and within its organisation. Forte does not currently utilise generative AI in its internal work with submitted applications but recognises its potential to improve efficiency and quality, particularly in tasks such as classification and checks.

Instructions for Applicants

AI is a powerful tool that, when used responsibly, can streamline the research process, including the application procedure. . As an applicant, you are responsible for ensuring that the content of your application is accurate and that the research can be conducted as described. Applications must not include plagiarism, false, manipulated, or otherwise incorrect information.

If artificial intelligence is used substantially in your research (e.g., for data interpretation or literature reviews), it should be described in the application as you would describe any other research method.

Instructions for Reviewers

As a reviewer, you have been recruited for your expertise and experience in a specific field. Assessing a application is a skilled task that should not be delegated to AI. However, AI tools may offer advantages, such as improving the clarity of text in a written review.

Under no circumstances should parts of an application or personal data about applicants be shared with generative AI tools, as this could compromise confidentiality, copyright, and data protection. Furthermore, any content entered into a generative AI tool could potentially be used to generate outputs within that tool, without the applicant’s consent.

In line with Forte’s guidelines for drafting reviews, the assessment must describe the strengths and weaknesses of the application to justify Forte’s decision, rather than restating the application’s content.