NOTE − The call has been postponed due to the corona pandemic. We will update the page when more information is available.

On April 6th 2020, the fourth transnational call within the EU Joint Programming initiative More Years, Better Lives (JPI MYBL), opens. The theme of the call is Equality and Wellbeing across Generations.

The call is concerned with how the major demographic changes taking place across Europe can affect the conditions between different generations. The goal is to fund research projects that increase understanding of the effects of these changes and how society can increase equality between generations.

Forte participates in the call as one of twelve funding organisations from different countries. Each application can address one or more of the following topics:

Income and wealth: Financial conditions for elderly are unevenly distributed based on previous employment, different pension systems and housing tenures. Increased costs for social care, as well as extended working lives and the fact that many elderly live longer as pensioners affect the distribution between generations.

Caring responsibilities: Many elderly take on responsibility for parents, children or partners. Caring can be emotionally rewarding, however it can also be a burden on people’s mental and physical health as well as diminish their employment opportunities.

Social and political participation: Elderly are often more involved in formal political processes, still as a group they can be under-represented in decision-making. Many experiences social isolation and the identity and security of elderly can be challenged as their neighbourhoods change.

Only transnational projects will be funded. Each application must involve at least three qualified applicants from at least three of the countries participating in the call and funding can be granted for a maximum of 3 years.

Read the full preannouncement from JPI MYBL