New national strategy for Sweden’s participation in Horizon Europe
Yesterday the Swedish government decided upon a national strategy for Swedish participation in Horizon Europe; EU’s ninth framework programme for research and innovation for the period 2021-2027. Forte has, together with Formas, the Swedish National Space Agency, the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Research Council and Vinnova, participated in the work to propose what should be included in the new strategy.
Horizon Europe will contribute to fulfilling visions of a prosperous, fair and sustainable society. The programme strengthens green growth and competitiveness and has clear global goals to combat climate change and contribute to sustainable development.

In December 2020, Forte and the other research councils submitted the report Gathering power for Horizon Europe. The report contained proposals for a strategy regarding the new framework programme for Sweden. The government has now set both an overall goal and eight more specific goals for the Swedish participation in Horizon Europe. The strategy also focuses on how research funders, universities and project participants can contribute to achieving the goals.
– For Forte, the new strategy gives us guidelines on how to think in all our work to promote Swedish research at European level, says Cecilia Beskow, head of research at Forte. At this first stage, we will focus on linking the government’s new goals to our own focus areas within Horizon Europe, she says.