Millions to strengthen health care science

Seven research programmes are awarded funding from Forte and the Swedish Research Council to improve and develop healthcare. Between them, the programmes will be sharing SEK 100 million over three years, with the possibility of a three-year extension.
The purpose of the initiative is to strengthen the long-term development of the field and to support and expand research environments. The programmes being financed will generate knowledge which directly can contribute to the improvement of the care for patients and users.
The research programmes are focused on the development of treatment methods and processes related to healthcare, e-health and co-creation of knowledge between researchers, users and professionals in health and social care.
“This initiative is very important for the health care science in Sweden. The programmes that will receive funding are of the highest quality and will develop the research field as well as contribute to improving healthcare”, says Staffan Arvidsson, responsible for the initiative at Forte.
Programmes that will receive funding
- Let the patients drive! Implementing patient-driven cocare innovations (Karolinska Institutet)
- mHealth Multiple Lifestyle Behaviors- interventions through mobile phones delivered by health care to promote a helthy lifestyle across the lifespan (Linköping University)
- Co-creating health & social care: exploring, measuring and enhancing co-production at the national, regional and local levels (Jönköping University)
- Moving-on with cerebral palsy (Lund University)
- eHealth as an aid for facilitating and supporting self-management in families with long-term childhood illness – development, evaluation and implementation in clinical practice (Lund University)
- STAR-C: Sustainable behaviour change for health supported by person-Tailored, Adaptive, Riskaware digital Coaching in a social context (Umeå University)
- Development of evidencebased practice in forensic psychiatry: a transdisciplinary characterisation of, and new methodology for, a multiply disadvantaged and vulnerable patient group (University of Gothenburg)
You can find a more detailed list of the financed programmes, including project leaders and funds awarded, on the page Grant decisions.