Forte invests in research on functional impairment

Using SEK 50 million in project grants, postdoc grants and junior researcher grants, Forte wants to strengthen the research on functional impairment. On 26 September 2018 a call for research in the field will open.
“Creating better living conditions for persons with functional impairment concerns all of Forte’s areas, health, working life and welfare. We feel a responsibility for contributing to increase knowledge on how to improve quality of life, and ability to actively participate in society, among persons with functional impairment and their next of kin”, says Peter Allebeck, Secretary General at Forte.

In view of this, Forte will soon open a call for proposals to promote research on functional impairment. A total of SEK 50 million will be invested in the next few years.
“Throughout the year, we have collaborated with researchers, user organisations and The Swedish Agency for Participation (MFD). These contacts have helped us to identify research needs and priority areas for the call for proposals”, says Dag Hervieu, Senior Research Officer at Forte.
Examples of areas of particular interest are:
- Active citizenship, i.e. ability to participate in society and preventing exclusion
- Cultural values and attitudes to persons with functional impairment
- Research on children as well as elderly with impairment, and understanding of different conditions in different stages of life
- Intellectual disability and what efforts are needed in education and the labour market for these persons
- Technology and design, including e-health interventions
In this call for proposals, Forte will offer three types of grants, two of which are specifically intended for junior researchers:
- Project Grant (up to 3 years)
- Junior Researcher Grant (4 years)
- Postdoc Grant (2 years)
Forte wants to encourage an interdisciplinary approach in the research process. The research should be planned and carried out in collaboration with relevant professions, users and relatives.
Further details on the call for proposals and full instructions for your application will be published when the call opens in September.